
You provide one configuration file for all providers. The default location is /etc/infra-scraper/config.yaml but it can be overriden by INFRA_SCRAPER_CONFIG_PATH environmental variable, for example:

export INFRA_SCRAPER_CONFIG_PATH=~/scraper.yml

Configuration in ETCD

You can use ETCD as a storage backend for the configuration and scrape results. Following environmental parameters need to be set:

export INFRA_SCRAPER_CONFIG_PATH=/service/scraper/config

Storage Configuration

You can set you local filesystem path where scraped data will be saved.

  backend: localfs
  path: /tmp/scraper
endpoints: {}

You can also set the scraping storage backend to use the ETCD service instead of a local filesystem backend.

  backend: etcd
  path: /scraper
endpoints: {}

Endpoints Configuration

Each endpoint kind expects a little different set of configuration. Look at individual chapters for samples of required parameters to setup individual endpoints.